Aims and Objectives

     The Grand Priory's aim is to promote Scotland's cultural heritage through the ideals of Chivalry. In todays world, these aims include the following:

  • To perpetuate the chivalric traditions of knighthood.

  • To carry out significant works of welfare and charity.

  • To be a patron of Historical, Heraldic, and Genealogical studies concerning the Order, and Knighthood connected with the Order.

  • To protect the National Culture of Scotland
     The Grand Priory of the Scots is not a fraternal or secret society. The Order recognizes Christians who have made outstanding contributions to the Scottish community by electing them into the Order without bar regarding nationality or race. The knights and dames of the Order work together in support of the Orders ongoing programs primarily in the United States, as well as in Scotland. The day-to-day work of the Order is funded entirely by the members who remit a small yearly oblation to the Grand Priory of the Scots. Being self-funded, the Order is able to be and remains an independent, nonpolitical, ecumenical Christian Order of chivalry and charity.

     Throughout the year, the Order participates in or hosts various formal meetings, social events, charity functions and commemorative gatherings.

© Grand Priory of the Scots - Grand Bailiwick of the Scots 2025

Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hieroslymitani

Grand Priory of the Scots - Grand Bailiwick of the Scots

A 501 (c) (3) Organization