The Grand Priory of the Scots' Balgonie Cross is an eight pointed red cross on a white background®. It is based on the Arms of the Sibblad family, the first recorded Lairds of Balgonie, and dates back to the early 12th century. The Sibblad family's arms includes a red cross on a white background. The red cross is virtually indentical to the Temple Arms and is one of many crosses used by the Templars. The only difference is the square hole in the center. One of the early Sibbalds is believed to have been a Templar, possibly an important one and this is possibly why they were able to use the Templar cross. They held important positions such as Lord Hight Treasure of Scotland and Sheriff of Fife.
We have a good indication of the time frame because the Laird of the Sibbald family held the office of Constable of Cupar in 1120. Currently, the Balgonie Cross is used by Stuart Morris of Balgonie and Eddergoll ("Balgonie") as his personal cross in the Merit Award given personally by Balgonie in three different ranks - Gold, Silver and Bronze, and in the pattern of the Grand Bailiwick's necktie. It is also given in the form of a lapel pin to those who give the Oath of Fealty to Balgonie during investiture at Balgonie Castle.
Arms of the Sibblad family
The Balgonie Cross
The Balgonie Cross