Membership into the Grand Priory of the Scots is by invitation only. One must be
either Scottish, or Scottish descent or married to either a Scot or a person of Scottish
Main Page
History of the Scottish Knights Templar
History of the Scottish Knights Templar
Orgins of the Knights Templar
Persecution of the Knights Templar
Templars in Scotland After Bannockburn
Grand Priory of the Scots
Grand Priory of the Scots
Aims and Objectives
Notice Regarding Fund Raisers
Balgonie Cross
Members Area
© Grand Priory of the Scots - Grand Bailiwick of the Scots 2025
Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hieroslymitani
Grand Priory of the Scots - Grand Bailiwick of the Scots
A 501 (c) (3) Organization